British Popular Customs Present And Past - online book

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514                                                INDEX.
Garland Day, 243
Garland Sunday, 376
Garlic Sunday, 376
Gaunt, John of, 358
George's (St.) Day, 192
Gerard's Hal!, 247
Gestas, one of the thieves crucified with our Lord, 499
Giants,display of, at Chester,314
Gregory's (St.) Day, 125
Glattonburv thorn, 34, 454, 467
Gloucestershire, 22, 238, 280, 292, 379, 388, 447, 470, 499, 502
Gloves, at Fairs, 297, 348
Glove Money, 4
Glove Silver, 348
God Cabs, 12
Goddes Day, 148
God's Day,' 148
God's Friday, 148
1 God speed the Plough/ 41
Goluan, 315
Good Friday, 148
Good Friday Bread, 149
'Gooding, going-a/ 438
Goodish Tuesday, 8G
'Good Morrow, Valentine/ 109
Good Pas Day, 118
Goose, (aten at Michaelmas, 376
Goose Fair, Nottingham, 383
Goose-pics, 196
Gosling, May, 233, 265
Gospel Trees, 208
Gowk, hunting the, 188
Grace Cup, 450
Grass Week, 204
Green Bower Feast, 2S9
Greenock Fair, 337
Gtimaldi, Joseph, 461
'Grotto, pray remember the/ 315
Guisards, 488
Guisin°:s, 181
Gule of August, 347
Gunpowder Plot, 410
Guy Fawkes, his day, 410
Gyst Ale, 181
Hackin, the, at Christmas, 456
Hailing the Lamb, 212
Halgaver Court, 339
Hall' Monday, 58
Hallow Eve, 394
Hampshire, 77, 119, 187, 238, 281, 284, 296, 304, 305, 372, 448
Handsel Monday, 19, 488
Harlequinade, 4i>l
Harrow School, shooting at, 357
Hay, strewn in churches, 327, 338
Hays, the, 31
Heaving, 173, 177
Heaving Da\s, 175
Heavy Cake,'216, 236
Helen's (St.) Day, 274, 360
Hempseed, divination by, 99, 313, 400
Hen-threshing, 68
Hentzner, Paul,vi&its Bartholomew Fair, 361
Herb-pudding, 151
Herefordshire, 7,22, 106,128, 281, 409,441,448,471
Heriot's Hospital, 309
Hertfordshire, 78, 128, 181, 238, 380, 442
Het Pint, 15
Hilary's (St.) Day, 44
Hirings, for servants, 279
Hobby-horse, 236, 461, 463, 486
Hobby-horse Dance, 480
Hobby-hording, 262
Hock Day, lbO
Hock Money, 191
Hock-tide, U8
Hocktide play at Chester, 189
Hock Tuesday, 188
Hodening, 472
Hogmanay, 488, 505
Hoke Day, 189
Holiday of St. Simeon, 54
Hollantide Eve, 396
Holly, used as a decoration a* Christmas, 458
HoJly, its derivation, 457
Holly Boy, 107
Holly Bussing, 180
Holly Night, 35
Holy Cross Day, 372
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