Horns, blown on May Day, 260 |
Horses, bled on St. Stephen's Day, 492 |
Horses, decorated on May Day, 243 |
Hunting the Squirrel, 404, 429, 430, 463, 481 |
Huntingdonshire, 40, 78, 217, 241, 334 |
Ireland, 23, 75, 91, 96, 125, 136, 189, 158, 160, 168,178,183, 198, 222, 270, 282, 3u0, 310, 321,329, 337, 340, 344, 370, 375, 383, 403, |
408, 42 >, 452, 491, 497, 500, 508 |
Irving, Washington, his reniaiks on seeing a Maypole, 234 |
Isle of Man, 8, 33, 80, 154, 221, 246, 316, 325, 348, 395,431,442, 449, 472, 494, 503 |
Ivy, used as a decoration at Christ-ma?, 458, 478 |
James (St.) the Less, his day, 234 |
Joseph of Arimathea, legend regarding his staff, 467 |
Judas Iscariot, flogging of, 155 |
Juniper, burnt before cattle, 18 |
Kenilworth Castle, Queen Elizabeth's visit to, 189 |
Kent, 78, 107, U5, 207, 242, 296, 332, 389, 345, 3S5, 423, 427,429, 448, 471 |
Kings created by Beans, 20 |
Knives, given away on St. Bartholomew's Day, 367 |
Lambs' Wool, 23, 449, 483 |
Lancashire, 7, 79, 119, 13*. 153, 181,213, 217,243, 284, 316,334, 3*5,355, 368, 369, 384. 385, 395, 406, 472 |
La Sheachanna na bleanagh, 275 |
Latiiig or Leetiug the Witches, 395 |
Laurel, used as a Christmas decoration, 458 |