British Popular Customs Present And Past - online book

A calendar of the traditional customs, practices & rituals of the British Isles.

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Holy Innocents' Day, 497
Holy Kood Day, 372
Holy Thursday, 215
Holy Saturday, 1*50
Honey Fa rs, 469
Hood, throwing the, 32
lloofing-place, 12
Horns, blown on May Day, 260
Horses, bled on St. Stephen's Day, 492
Horses, decorated on May Day, 243
Hot Cockle?, 463
Hot Gross Buns, 150, 157
Hot Pint, 15, 17
HuntingtheGowk, 188
Hunting the Rani, 354
Hunting the Squirrel, 404, 429, 430, 463, 481
Hunting the Wren, 494
Huntingdonshire, 40, 78, 217, 241, 334
Inns of Court, 396, 473
Ireland, 23, 75, 91, 96, 125, 136, 189, 158, 160, 168,178,183, 198, 222, 270, 282, 3u0, 310, 321,329, 337, 340, 344, 370, 375, 383, 403,
408, 42 >, 452, 491, 497, 500, 508
Irving, Washington, his reniaiks on seeing a Maypole, 234
Idle of Axholme, 30
Isle of Man, 8, 33, 80, 154, 221, 246, 316, 325, 348, 395,431,442, 449, 472, 494, 503
Isle of Thanet, 183,428
Isle of Wight, 87, 504
Ivy, used as a decoration at Christ-ma?, 458, 478
Ivy Girl, 107
Jack and Joan Fair, 385
Jack of Hilton, 10
JackO'Lent, 93
Jack of May, 264
Jack-pudding, 463
James' (St.) Day, 3+4
James (St.) the Less, his day, 234
James' (St.) Palace, 153
Jcu-nhydn, 468
John's (St.) Dav, 323
John's (St.) Eve, 311
John O Gaunt's Da\, 191
Jolly k*d*, 134
Joseph of Arimathea, legend regarding his staff, 467
Judas Iscariot, flogging of, 155
Jough-ny-nolliok 473
Juniper, burnt before cattle, 18
Kenelm's (St.) Day, 341
Kenilworth Castle, Queen Eliza­beth's visit to, 189
Kent, 78, 107, U5, 207, 242, 296, 332, 389, 345, 3S5, 423, 427,429, 448, 471
Ket Bank, 220
Kill Bull, the, 477
Kings created by Beans, 20
King's Cock Crower, 92
King of the Bean, 26
King of Cockneys, 498
King of the Millers, 285
Kit-dressing, 231
Kuappan, 184
Knives, given away on St. Bar­tholomew's Day, 367
Knott'ng-aowins, 489
Laa'l Brushey, 51
Lad's Valentine, 99
Ladv Dav, 180
lady Godiva, 280, 300
Ladv of the Lamb, 297
Lamb Ale, 27S
Lambert Simmel, 115
Lambs' Wool, 23, 449, 483
Lammas Day, 347 *
Lammas Towers, 351
Lamprey-pies, 470
Lancashire, 7, 79, 119, 13*. 153, 181,213, 217,243, 284, 316,334, 3*5,355, 368, 369, 384. 385, 395, 406, 472
La Sheachanna na bleanagh, 275
Latiiig or Leetiug the Witches, 395
Laurel, used as a Christmas decora­tion, 458
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