British Popular Customs Present And Past - online book

A calendar of the traditional customs, practices & rituals of the British Isles.

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Lawless Cou:tat Kings Hill, 378
Lawless Hour, at Kidderminster, 379
Leaping the Well, 201
Leeks, worn on St. David's Day, 110, 113
Leek Pasties, 83
Leet Ale, 278
Leicestershire, 40, 70,197, 284, 338
Leith Races, 335
Lent Crocking, 70
Leonard's (St.) Day, 416
Lide, Friday in, 120
Lifting, 173
Lincolnshire, 30, 40, 128,154, 220, 245, 294, 367, 372, 412, 421
Loaf Mass, 347
Looe Fair Day, 236
Long Rope Day, 157
" Looking through the keyhole,**
Lord Mayor's Day, 417, 459
Lord Mayor of Penny lea* Cone,
Lord of Misrule, 339,459, 474,478
Louis XI. of France, his supersti­tion regarding Holy Innocents' Day, 498
Lotts. the, 350
Low Easter Day, 184
Low Sunday, 183
Luke's (St.) Day, 386
Mace Board, 246
Mace, burying the, 380
Mace Monday, 34b'
Mainstyr Fiddler, 34
Mallard Night, 44
Mandate Thursday, 140
Margaret's (St.) Day, 343
Mari Lwyd, 486
Mark's (St.) Day, 200, 203
Mark's'St.) Eve, 199, 200
Mailings, 181
Marlocking, 181
Mart, its meaning, 418
Martinmas, 347
MartVs (St.) Day, 418
Mary's (St.) Day, in Lent, 180
Matthew's (BtJ) Day, 373
' Maternus (St.), 4 3
Maundy Loaves, 140
Maundy Money, 140
Maundy Thursday, 139
May Bough, 243*
May Day, 223
May Dew, 225, 242
May Dolls, 216
May Eve, 215
May Fair, 249-
May Feast, 2t53
May Gads, 245
May Games, 225
May Gosling, 233, 265
May Lady, 234
May Music, 216
Maypoles, 228
May Queen, 238, 246, 251, 255
May Songs, 232,233, 238, 240, 242^ 251, 255, 257,259,261, 262,263, 273
May Syllabub, 257
4 Maying, going a,' 224
Michael (St.), Apparition of, 275
Michaelmas Cake, 383
Michaelmas Day, 376
Michaelmas Eve, 375
Michaelmas Goose, 376
Michael's (St1) Bannock, 383
Middlesex, 32, 48, 80, 113. 147 154, 160, 166, 174, 179,187,213
247, 291, 297, 305, 316, 326 344, 315, 346, 349, 355, 357, 361, 374, 396, 406, 413, 429, 473
» 1
MJllent Sunday, 113, 116
Midsummer Day, 323
Miikummer Eve, 311
Midsummer Men, 312
Midsummer Watch, 316, 318
Milk Maids' Dance, 231
Millers, King of the, 285
Mince-pies, 458
Minched pies, 458
Minstrels' Festival, 358
Miracle Plavs, 283, 298, 343, 478
Mitchief Night, 217
Mismle, Lord of, 339, 459, 474,
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