British Popular Customs Present And Past - online book

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Mi tlet e, 158,459
Mock, t e, 446
Modwen s (St.) Day, 390
Molly Grime, figure in Glentbam Church, 154
Monmouthshire, 407
Morris-dancers. 30, 227, 258
Moseley'b Dole, 10
1 Mothering, going a/ 116
Mothering Sunday, 116
Mummers, 430, 461, 469, 478,480
Mumping Day, 441
4 Mumping, going a/441,
Mutton-pies, 458
Myche, a kind of bread, 96
Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 372
Newark Raffling Day, 51
New Year's Day, 1
New Year's Eve, 501
New Year's Gifts, 1
New Year's Ode, 4
New Year's Offerings, 509
New Year's Song, 19
Newton, Sir Isaac, on the time of Christ's birth, 453
Nicholas (St.), tradition relating to, 436
Nicholas' (St.) Day, 432
Nicholas'(St.) Eve, 432
Niokanan Night, 58
Nicking, of Swans, 346
Nod Beuno, 295
Nog Money, 506
Norfolk, 42, 81, 95, 100,107, 166, 183, 293, 298,344, 370, 449,475, 496
Northamptonshire, 42, 82, 108, 132, 199, 213, 251,281, 286, 305, 306,327, 332,340, 413, 427,430, 449, 476, 499, 503
Northumberland, 9, 83, 175, 180, 201, 214, 257, 282, 294, 298, 306, 318, 327, 332, 335, 389,476,
Nottinghamshire, 9, 51, 54, 83, 109,124,175, 214, 257, 306,318, 380, 383, 397, 413, 442, 449, 4'6
Nut Crack Night, 394
* Nutting, going a,' 373
Oak Apple Day, 301
Offering Days, 5
Offering Silver, 481
Oiel Verry, 449
Olave's (St.) Day, 346
1 Old Ball,' 486
Old Christmas Day, 30, 34, 467
1 Old Clem,' 432
Old Michaelmas Day, 380
Old Midsummer Day, 328
Old Year, burning out the, 506
Onion Fair, 373
Oswald's (St.) Day, 355
Oxen, superstition regarding, 447
Oxfordshire, 9, 43, 52, 84, 97, 110, 113, 123,124,133,134,156,167, 208, 214, 222, 258,282, 287, 297, 319,327, 414, 442,450, 476,496,
Oysters, eaten on St. James' Day. 344
Pace Eggs, 163
Pack Monday Fair, 385
Paganalia, 493
Paignton Fair, 308
Palm Saturday, 126
Palm Sunday, 126
1 Palming, going a,' 127
Pan burn-Bell, 82
Pancak< s, 63, 375
Pancake Bell, 62, 87
Pancake Month, 65
Pantomime, 461
Parish Clerks' Meeting, 177
Parkin, 416
Paschal Day, 148
Paschal Taper, 159
Passion-dock, 151
Passion Sunday, 121
Paste-Egg Day, 118
Patrick's Crosses, 13^
Patrick's (St.) Day, 135
Patrick's Pot, 137
Paul's (St.) Cathedral, 49
Paul's (St.) Day, 49
Paul's (St.) Eve, 47
Paul Pitcher Night, 48
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