Molly Grime, figure in Glentbam Church, 154 |
Morris-dancers. 30, 227, 258 |
1 Mothering, going a/ 116 |
Mummers, 430, 461, 469, 478,480 |
Myche, a kind of bread, 96 |
Nativity of the Virgin Mary, 372 |
New Year's Offerings, 509 |
Newton, Sir Isaac, on the time of Christ's birth, 453 |
Nicholas (St.), tradition relating to, 436 |
Norfolk, 42, 81, 95, 100,107, 166, 183, 293, 298,344, 370, 449,475, 496 |
Northamptonshire, 42, 82, 108, 132, 199, 213, 251,281, 286, 305, 306,327, 332,340, 413, 427,430, 449, 476, 499, 503 |
Northumberland, 9, 83, 175, 180, 201, 214, 257, 282, 294, 298, 306, 318, 327, 332, 335, 389,476, |
Nottinghamshire, 9, 51, 54, 83, 109,124,175, 214, 257, 306,318, 380, 383, 397, 413, 442, 449, 4'6
Nut Crack Night, 394 |
Old Christmas Day, 30, 34, 467 |
Old Year, burning out the, 506 |
Oxen, superstition regarding, 447 |
Oxfordshire, 9, 43, 52, 84, 97, 110, 113, 123,124,133,134,156,167, 208, 214, 222, 258,282, 287, 297, 319,327, 414, 442,450, 476,496,
504 |
Oysters, eaten on St. James' Day. 344 |
Parish Clerks' Meeting, 177 |
Paul's (St.) Cathedral, 49 |