Old Christmas Recalled - online book

Washington Irving's description of Old Christmas, Illustrated

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24                             THE STAGE COACH
and tucked in at the bosom ; and has in sum­mer-time a large bouquet of flowers in his button-hole ; the present, most probably, of some enamoured country lass. ' His waistcoat is com­monly of some bright colour, striped ; and his small-clothes extend far below the knees, to meet a pair of jockey boots which reach about half-way up his legs.
All this costume is maintained with much pre­cision ; he has a pride in having his clothes of excellent materials; and, notwithstanding the seeming grossness of his appearance, there is still discernible that neatness and propriety of person, which is almost inherent in an Englishman. He enjoys great consequence and consideration along the road; has frequent conferences with the vil­lage housewives, who look upon him as a man of great trust and dependence; and he seems to have a good understanding with every bright-eyed country lass. The moment he arrives where the horses are to be changed, he throws down the
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