Old Christmas Recalled - online book

Washington Irving's description of Old Christmas, Illustrated

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162                                           NOTES
in England, particularly in the north, and there are several super­stitions connected with it among the peasantry. If a squinting person come to the house while it is burning, or a person bare­footed, it is considered an ill omen. The brand remaining from the Yule-clog is carefully put away to light the next year's Christ­mas fire.
Note C, p. 102.
From the " Flying Eagle," a small Gazette, published Decem­ber 24, 1652 :—" The House spent much time this day about the business of the Navy, for settling the affairs at sea ; and before they rose, were presented with a terrible remonstrance against Christmas day, grounded upon divine Scriptures, 2 Cor. v. 16 ; 1 Cor. xv. 14, 17; and in honour of the Lord's Day, grounded upon these Scriptures, John xx. 1 ; Rev. i. 10; Psalm cxviii. 24; Lev. xxiii. 7, 11 ; Mark xvi. 8 ; Psalm lxxxiv. 10, in which Christmas is called Anti-Christ's masse, and those Mass-mongers and Papists who observe it, etc. In consequence of which Parliament spent some time in consultation about the abolition of Christmas day, passed orders to that effect, and resolved to sit on the following day, which was commonly called Christmas day."
Note D, p. 108.
" An English gentleman at the opening of the great day, i.e. on Christmas day in the morning, had all his tenants and neighbours enter his hall by daybreak. The strong beer was broached, and the black jacks went plentifully about with toast, sugar, nutmeg, and good Cheshire cheese. The hackin (the great sausage) must
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