How the parent, and the home life can perfect the physical, moral
and intellectual faculties of the child.

By S. G. Goodrich, published By Published By F. J. Huntington New York, Circa 1838

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We speak of an English education, a libe­ral education, a fashionable education. In these cases, the word has a restricted and technical signification, and includes little more than instruction in certain arts and certain branches of knowledge. The learned politician who gave as a toast on some public occasion, " Education, or the three R's, Reading, Riting and Rithmetic," interpreted the word according to this popular acceptation. It has, however, a more enlarged sense, and legitimately includes all those influences which go to unfold the faculties of man or determine human character. It is in this wide sense that education may be offered as explaining the difference between savage and civilized man. It is in this sense that education is the fashioner of the great human family, including every individual of the race. It is in this sense that man is ever the subject of education, from the cradle to the grave.