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"If you can promise me that to-night the king shall not have his sleeping-draught I will give you all these jewels."
"Oh! I promise that willingly," said the page.
At this moment Turritella appeared, and at the first sight of the savory pie, with the pretty little birds all singing and chattering, she cried:
"That is an admirable pie, little kitchen-maid. Pray what will you take for it?"
"The usual price," she answered. "To sleep once more in the Chamber of Echoes."
"By all means, only give me the pie," said the greedy Turritella. And when night was come Queen Fior- |
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delisa waited until she thought everybody in the palace would be asleep and then began to lament as before.
"Ah, Charming!" she said, "what have I ever done that you should forsake me and marry Turritella? If you could only know all I have suffered and what a weary way I have come to seek you."
Now, the page had faithfully kept his word and given King Charming a glass of water instead of his usual sleeping-draught, so there he lay wide awake and heard every word Fiordelisa said, and even recognized her voice, though he could not tell where it came from.
"Ah, princess!" he said, "how could you betray me to our cruel enemies when I loved you so dearly?"
Fiordelisa heard him and answered quickly: |