The GREEN Fairy Book - online children's book

Illustrated classic fairy tales for children by Andrew Lang

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A little later he came to a fire that had been left by some gypsies in a wood. It was burning very low and would soon be out.
"Oh! Medio Pollito," cried the fire in a weak, waver­ing voice as the half-chick approached, "in a few minutes I shall go quite out unless you put some sticks and dry leaves upon me. Do help me or I shall die!"
"Help you, indeed!" answered Medio Pollito. "I
have other things to do. Gather sticks for yourself and don't trouble me. I am off to Madrid to see the king," and hoppity-kick, hoppity-kick, away stumped Medio Pollito.
The next morning, as he was getting near Madrid, he passed a large chestnut-tree, in whose branches the wind was caught and entangled.
"Oh! Medio Pollito," called the wind, "dohop up here and help me to get free of these branches. I cannot come away and jj. is so uncomfortable."
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