The GREEN Fairy Book - online children's book

Illustrated classic fairy tales for children by Andrew Lang

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It generally happens that people's surroundings reflect more or less accurately their minds and dispositions, so perhaps that is why the flower fairy lived in a lovely palboe, with the most delightful garden you can imagine, full of flowers, and trees, and fountains, and fish-ponds, and everything nice. For the fairy herself was so kind and charming that everybody loved her, and all the young princes and princesses who formed her court were as happy as the day was long simply because they were near her. They eume to her when they were quite tiny, and never left her until they were grown up and had to go away into the great world; and when that time came she gave to each whatever gift he asked of her. But it is chiefly of the Princess Sylvia that you are going to hear now. The fairy loved her with all her heart, for she was at once original and gentle, and she had nearly reached the age at which the gifts were generally bestowed. However, the fairy had a great wish to know how the other princesses who had grown up and left her were prospering, and be­fore the time came for Sylvia to go herself she resolved to send her to some of them. So one day her chariot, drawn by butterflieo, was made ready, and the fairy said:
"Sylvia, I am going to send you to the court of Iris. She will receive you with pleasure for my sake as well as for your own. In two months you may come back to me again, and I shall expect you to tell me what you think of her."
Sylvia was very unwilling to go away, but as the fairy wished it she aaid nothing—only when the two months were over she stepped joyfully into the butterfly chariot, and could not get back quickly enough to the flower fairy, who for her part, was equally delighted to see her again. 'Now, child," said she, "tell me what impression yon have received."                                                  *
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