The GREEN Fairy Book - online children's book

Illustrated classic fairy tales for children by Andrew Lang

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to aid him with all his might if there was anything to be done. In short they became firm friends, and the king proudly displayed to Manikin the portrait of the Queen of the Spice Islands, and he quite agreed that it was worth while to go through anything for the sake of a creature so lovely. Prince Manikin in his turn told his own history and the great undertaking upon which he had set out, and King Bayard was able to give him some valuable instructions as to which would be the best way for him to proceed, and then they went together to the place where the boat had been left. The sailors were delighted to see the prince again, though they had known that he was safe, and when they had taken on board all the supplies which the king had sent for them they started once more. The king and prince parted with much regret, and the former insisted that Manikin should take with him one of his own pages, named Mousta, who was charged to attend to him everywhere and serve him faithfully, which he promised to do.
The wind being favorable they were soon out of hearing of the general howl of regret from the whole army, which had been given by order of the king as a great compli­ment, and it was not long before the land was entirely lost to view. They met with no further adventures worth speaking of, and presently found themsleves within two leagues of the harbor for which they were making. The prince thought it would suit him better to land where he was so as to avoid the town, since he had no money left and was very doubtful as to what he should do next. So the sailors set him and Mousta on shore and then went back sorrowfully to their ship, while the prince and his attendant walked off in what looked to them the most promising direction. They soon reached a lovely green meadow on the border of a wood, which seemed to them so pleasant after their long voyage that they sat down to rest in the shade and amuse themselves by watching the gambols and antics of a pretty tiny monkey in the trees close by. The prince presently became so fascinated by it that he sprang up and tried to catch it, but it eluded his grasp and kept just out of arm's reach, until it had made him promise to follow wherever it led him, and then it sprang upon his shoulder and whispered in his ear:
We have no money, my poor Manikin, and we are altogether badly off and at a loss to know what to do next."
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