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king's kitchen, where the white-aproned cooks were running about in great confusion. The princess went up to the head cook and said: "Dear cook, please listen to my request, and let me make a wedding-cake for Prince Milan."
The busy cook was just going to refuse her demand and order her out of the kitchen, but the words died on his lips when he turned and beheld the beautiful Hyacinthia, and he answered politely: "Yon have just come in the nick of time, fair maiden. Bake your cake, and I myself will lay it before Prince Milan."
The cake was soon made. The invited guests were already thronging round the table, when the head cook entered the room, bearing a beautiful wedding-cake on a silver dish, and laid it before Prince Milan. The guests were all lost in admiration, for the cake was quite a work of art. Prince Milan at once proceeded to cut it open, when to his surprise two white dove3 sprang out of it, and one of them said to the other: "My dear mate, do not fly away and leave me and forget me as Prince Milan forgot his beloved Hyacinthia."
Milan sighed deeply when he heard what the little dove said. Then he jumped up suddenly from the table and ran to the door, where he found the beautiful Hyacinthia waiting for him. Outside stood his faithful charger, pawing the ground. Without pausing for a moment, Milan and Hyacinthia mounted him and galloped as fast as they could into the country of King Kojata. The king and queen received them with such joy and gladness as had never been heard of before, and they all lived happily for the rest of their lives.* |
* Kletke. From the Russian. |