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addition to her natural indolence, she was being as much indulged and spoiled day by day as if the fairy had been her godmother, and was obliged to remonstrate very seriously upon the subject. Lolotte took his reproaches meekly, and promised faithfully that she would not encourage the princess in her idleness and indifference any more.
From this moment poor Placida's troubles began! She was actually expected to choose her own dresses, to take care of her jewels, and to find her own amusements; but rather than take so much trouble she wore the same old |
frock from morning till night, and never appeared in public if she could possibly avoid it. However, this was not all. King Gridelin insisted that the affairs of the kingdom should be explained to her, and that she should attend all the councils and give her opinion upon the matter in hand whenever it was asked of her, and this made her life such a burden to her that she implored Lolotte to take her away from a country where too much was required of an unhappy princess.
The fairy refused at first with a great show of firmness, but who could resist the tears and entreaties of any one so |