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So the maiden took some bones and burned them, and gave them to the ogre, saying, ' Here is the powder, swallow it.'
And when he had swallowed the powder the ogre stretched himself out and went to sleep.
In a little while the man's flesh, which the maiden was cooking for the ogre's supper, called out and said:
'Hist! Hist!
A man lies in the kist!'
And the lamb's flesh answered:
' He is your brother, And cousin of the other.'
The ogre moved sleepily, and asked, ' What did the meat say, Dschemila? '
' Only that I must be sure to add salt.'
« Well, add salt.'
' Yes, I have done so,' said she.
The ogre was soon sound asleep again, when the man's flesh called out a second time:
'Hist! Hist! A man lies in the kist!'
And the lamb's flesh answered:
' He is your brother, And cousin of the other.'
' What did it say, Dschemila? ' asked the ogre.
' Only that I must add pepper.'
' Well, add pepper.'
' Yes, I have done so,' said she.
The ogre had had a long day's hunting, and could not keep himself awake. In a moment his eyes were tight shut, and then the man's flesh called out for the third time:
'Hist! Hist! A man lies in the kist,' |