The Grey Fairy Book - online childrens book

Illustrated classic fairy tales for children by Andrew Lang

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But the jackal answered, ' If you really want me to give you some more, you must have your paws tied behind you, and lie on your back, so that I can pour it into your mouth.'
The rabbit did as he was bid, and when he was tied tight and popped on his back, the jackal ran to the spring and drank as much as he wanted. When he had quite finished he returned to his den.
In the evening the animals all came back, and when they saw the rabbit lying with his paws tied, they said to him: 'Rabbit, how did you let yourself be taken in like this?'
' It was all the fault of the jackal,' replied the rabbit; ' he tied me up like this, and told me he would give me something nice to eat. It was all a trick just to get at our water.'
' Rabbit, you are no better than an idiot to have let the jackal drink our water when he would not help to find it. Who shall be our next watchman? We must have somebody a little sharper than you!' and the little hare called out, ' I will be the watchman.'
The following morning the animals nil went their various ways, leaving the little hare to guard the spring. AVrhen they were out of sight the jackal came back. ' Good morning! good morning, little hare,' and the little hare politely said, ' Good morning.'
' Can you give me a pinch of snuff ?' said the jackal.
' I am so sorry, but I have none,' answered the little hare.
The jackal then came and sat clown by the little hare, and unfastened his little bag, pulling out of it a piece of honeycomb. He licked his lips and exclaimed, ' Oh, little hare, if you only knew how good it is!'
' What is it? ' asked the little hare.
' It is something that moistens my throat so deliciously,' answered the jackal, ' that after I have eaten it I don't
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