THE OLIVE FAIRY BOOK - online childrens book

A Collection of Illustrated classic fairy tales for children by Andrew Lang

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such things better; and then, as you are a stranger, he would like to chat with you a little.' The prince bowed, and waited silently in a corner.
Soon after the robber returned.
' Come and see all these lovely gold saucepans ! ' cried the queen.
But, as the robber entered the room, the prince touched him with the magic sword, and he fell to the ground.
' Perhaps, now you know me, mother,' the prince said, taking off his disguise, ' you had better repent for all the wrong you have done me, or your life will be short.'
' Oh, have mercy !' she cried, ' I could not help it. I was so frightened.'
The prince had mercy. He ordered the wicked king to be stripped of his fine clothes, and to be driven into the forest, where the wild beasts tore him to pieces. The queen he sent to her own country. Then he set off for the cave where the princess was sitting chained as before, and with the help of the magic sword he rescued her again without any difficulty. They soon reached the port and set sail for Arabia, where they were married ; and till they died, a long while after, they reigned happily over both countries.
[Fra Eventyr fra GylbaucTc samlede og opiegnede af Evald Taug Kristensen. Translated from the Danish by Mrs. Skovgaard Pedersen.l
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