The PINK FAIRY BOOK - online childrens book

Illustrated classic fairy tales for children by Andrew Lang

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say anything, and he did not complain, and those are bad signs.
One morning he broke up altogether. And lo! where he had stood there remained a broomstick standing up­right, round which the boys had built him !
'Ah! now I understand why he loved the stove,' said the yard-dog. ' That is the raker they use to clean out the stove! The Snow-man had a stove-raker in his body ! That's what was the matter with him ! And now it's all over with him ! Bow-wow ! '
And before long it was all over with the winter too! ' Bow-wow ! ' barked the hoarse yard-dog.
But the young girl sang:
Woods, your bright green garments don! Willows, your woolly gloves put on ! Lark and cuckoo, daily sing — February has brought the spring ! My heart joins in your song so sweet; Come out, dear sun, the world to greet!
And no one thought of the Snow-man.
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