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all the feathers flying, and swept them along the floor into a heap, where they lay as if they were trampled together. He had now to begin all his work over again, but by this time it only wanted an hour of evening, when the witch was to be expected home, and he easily saw that it was impossible for him to be finished by that time.
Then he heard something tapping at the window pane, and a thin voice said, ' Let me in, and I will help you.' It was a white dove, which sat outside the window, and was pecking at it with its beak. He opened the window, and the dove came in and set to work at once, and picked all the feathers out of the heap with its beak. Before the hour was past the feathers were all nicely arranged: the dove flew out at the window, and at the same moment the witch came in at the door.
' Well, well,' said she, ' it is more than I would have expected of you — to get all the feathers put in order so nicety. However, such a prince might be expected to have neat fingers.'
Next morning the witch said to the prince, ; To-day you shall have some easy work to do. Outside the door I have some firewood lying; you must split that forme into little bits that I can kindle the fire with. That will soon be done, but you must be finished before I come home.'
The prince got a little axe and set to work at once. He split and clove away, and thought that he was getting on fast; but the day wore on until it was long past midday, and he was still very far from having finished. He thought, in fact, that the pile of wood rather grew bigger than smaller, in spite of what he took off it; so he let his hands fall by his side, and dried the sweat from his forehead, and was ill at ease, for he knew that it would be bad for him if he was not finished with the work before the witch came home.
Then the white dove came living and settled down on the pile of wood, and cooed and said, ' Shall I help you?'
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