The RED Fairy Book - online children's book

Illustrated classic fairy tales for children by Andrew Lang

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Baba Yaga's. Long went he on without getting anything either to eat or to drink. At last he came across an outlandish bird and its young ones. Says Prince Ivan :
' I'll eat one of these chickens.'
' Don't eat it, Prince Ivan !' begs the outlandish bird ; ' some time or other I'll do you a good turn.'
He went on farther and saw a hive of bees in the forest.
' I'll get a bit of honeycomb,' says he.
' Don't disturb my honey, Prince Ivan!' exclaims the queen-bee ; ' some time or other I'll do you a good turn.'
So he didn't disturb it, but went on. Presently there met him a lioness with her cub.
' Anyhow, I'll eat this lion cub,' says he; ' I'm so hungry I feel quite unwell! '
K.                                                                                                                       E
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