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HERE was once upon a time a couple of rich folks who had twelve sons, and when the youngest was grown up he would not stay at home any longer, but would go out into the world and seek his fortune. His father and mother said that they thought he was very well off at home, and that he was welcome to stay with them; but he could not rest, and said that he must and would go, so at last they had to give him leave. When he had walked a long way, he came to a King's palace. There he asked for a place and got it.
Now the daughter of the King of that country had been carried off into the mountains by a Troll, and the King had no other children, and for this cause both he and all his people were full of sorrow and affliction, and the King had promised the Princess and half his kingdom to anyone who could set her free ; but there was no- one who could do it, though a great number had tried. 80 when the youth had been there for the space of a year or so, he wanted to go home again to pay his parents a visit; but when lie got there his father and mother were dead, and his brothers had divided everything that their parents possessed between themselves, so that there was nothing at all left for him.
' Shall I, then, receive nothing at all of my inheritance ? ' asked the youth.
' Who could know that you were still alive—you who have been a wanderer so long ? ' answered the brothers. ' However, there are twelve mares upon the hills which we have not yet divided among us, and if you would like to have them for your share, you may take them.'
So the youth, well pleased with this, thanked them, and at once set off to the hill where ths twelve mares were at pasture. When he got up there and found them, each mare had her foal, and by the side of one of them was a big dapple-grey foal as well, which was so sleek that it shone again. |