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if his master had got up yet; but he said ' No, he was asleep, jusl as he was the day before.' ' Dear ! dear !' said the Princess, ' I am sorry for him. "Was the sleep he had last night not enough for him? Tell him that he will never see me here again; and here is a sword that you will give him in my name, and my blessing along with it.'
With this she went off, and as soon as she had gone the lad took the pin out of his master's coat. He awoke instantly, and the first word he said was, ' Have you seen her ? ' The lad said that he had, and there was the sword she had left for him. The Irishman was ready to kill the lad out of sheer vexation, but when he gave a glance over his shoulder not a trace of the fair-haired lad was left.
Being thus left all alone, he thought of going into the room where all the men were lying asleep, and there among the rest he found his two comrades who had deserted along with him. Then he remembered what the Princess had told him—that he had only to touch them with the rod she had given him and they would all awake ; and the first he touched were his own comrades. They started to their feet at once, and he gave them as much silver and gold as they could carry when they went away. There was plenty to do before he got all the others wakened, for the two doors of the castle were crowded with them all the day long.
The loss of the Princess,however,kept rankling in his mind day and night, till finally he thought he would go about the world to see if he could find anyone to give him news of her. So he took the best horse in the stable and set out. Three years he spent travelling through forests and wildernesses, but could find no one able to tell him anything of tho Princess. At last he fell into so great despair that he thought he would put an end to his own life, and for this purpose laid hold of the sword that she had given him by the hands of the fair-haired lad; but on drawing it from its sheath he noticed that there was some writing on one side of the blade. He lool i at this, and read there, 'You will find me in the Blue Mountain ;.' This made him take heart again, and he gave up the idea of killing himself, thinking that he would go on in hope of met ting some one who could tell him whore the Blue Mountains were. After he had gone a long way without thinking where he was going, he saw at last ;i 'i; hi far away,and made straight for it. On reaching it he found u came from a little house, and as soon as the man inside heard the noise of the horse's feet he came out to see who was there. Seeing |