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I Where are you going to ? ' he said.
II am going about asking for the Bine Mountains,' said the Irishman.
( The Blue Mountains ? ' said the old man.
' Yes,' said the Irishman.
' L never heard the name before; but if they do exist I shall find them out. I am master of all the birds in the world, and have only to blow my whistle and every one will come to me. I shall then ask each of them to tell where it came from, and if there is any way of finding out the Blue Mountains that is it.'
So he blew his whistle, and when he blew it then all the birds of the world began to gather. The old man questioned each of thorn as to where they had come from, but there was not one of them that had come from the Blue Mountains. After he had run over them all, however, he missed a big Eagle that was wanting, and wondered that it had not come. Soon afterwards he saw something big coming towards him, darkening the sky. It kept coming nearer and growmg bigger, and what was this after all but the '■ ' When she arrived the old man scolded her, and asked what had kept her so long behind.
'1 couldn't help it,' she said; 'I had more than twenty times further to come than any bird that has conn here to-day.'
' "Where have you come from, then ? ' said the old man.
' From the Blue Mountains,' said she.
'Indeed ! ' said the old man ; and what are they doing there? '
' They are making ready this very day,' said the Eagle, ' for the marriage of the daughter of the Bang of the Blue Mountains. For three years now she has refused to marry anyone whatsoever,until ■ he should give up fill hope of the coming of the man who released her from the spell. Now she can wait no longer, for three years is the time that she agreed with her father to remain without marrying.'
The Irishman knew that it was for himself she had been waiting so long, but he was unable to make any better of it, for he had no hope of reaching the Blue Mountains all his life. The old man noticed how sad he grew,and asked the Eagle what she would take for carrying this man on her hack to the Blue Mountain ,
(I musl have threescore cattle killed,' said she, 'and cut up into quarters, and every time I look over m\ Bhoulder he must throw one of them Into my mouth.'
As soon as the Irishman and the old man heard her demand |