Illustrated Children's Book by Johnny Gruelle 1919 - online version

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So the people in the little village called Matilda "Matilda Grouch" and they called Katrinka "Katrinka Sunshine". All the children of the little village loved Katrinka, for she always had a cooky or a dainty in her apron pocket to give them, or she would pat them on their curly heads and smile cheerily at them through her glasses. And all the children avoided Matilda, for, sometimes mistaking her for Katrinka and running close to greet her, they would have their noses tweeked for their trouble.
Matilda's life was lonely and cold; no one went to see her. She was always unhappy.
Katrinka's house always echoed with the laughter of children; everyone went to see her. She was always joyful and cheery.