GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES - online book

130 Fairy Stories Adapted & Arranged for young people

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knew he must go home. Then he abused the frogs and cried, . "You water-plashers ! you thickheads ! you blind eyes ! with your great jaws, you can scream enough to split one's ears, but you cannot count seven dollars; and do you think I am going to stay here and wait till you are ready ??* Then he walked away very fast, but he heard the frogs still croaking, " Akt, akt," for a long dis­tance, and he arrived home quite out of humour.
After a time he bought another cow which he slaughtered, and while reckoning how much he should get by the sale of the flesh, as well as the skin, he hoped to make a good bargain with profits, even with the loss caused by the obstinacy of the frogs.
So he started off to the town to sell his dead cow, but on arriving at the butchers stall he saw a pack of hounds who all surrounded him barking and smelling at the meat, " Wass, wass,"* they cried.
"Ah ! yes," said the peasant, "it's all very well to say, 'what, what ?' as if you wanted to know what I have got here, and you know it is meat all the while."
There was no one to watch the butcher's shop but a large house-dog, and the countryman had often heard his master say how true and faithful he was. So he said to him, " If I leave this meat here will you answer for these friends of yours, that it shan't be touched?" "Wass, wass," cried the dog; while the others barked " Wass, wass," and sprang at the meat.
"Oh! well," said the peasant to the butcher's dog, "as you have promised, I will leave the meat for your master to sell, but remember, I must have the money in three days, and if he doesn't send it I shall come for it." Thereupon he laid the meat down on the counter and; turned to go. The dogs all ran round it barking "Wass, wass," and the peasant heard them for a long dis­tance. " Ah !" he said, " they are all longing for a piece ; but it's all right, the big one is answerable for them,"
Three days passed and the countryman made himself quite com­fortable in the thought of what he was to receive. " I shall have plenty of money in my pocket by to-morrow evening," he said, in a contented tone.
But the morrow came and no money. He waited two days and
* The German " Was " is translated " what" It is used instead of " bow \\ 0X9 " for the bark of a dog.