GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES - online book

130 Fairy Stories Adapted & Arranged for young people

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THE THREE LANGUAGES.               153
their tails in the most friendly manner, ate what he had brought for them, and did not ruffle even a hair of his head.
On the following morning the youth made his appearance, and stood before every one safe and sound, and said to the burgo­master, " I understand the language of dogs, and they have ex­plained to me clearly why they have caused so much trouble in the land. They are kept in the tower by enchantment, to watch and protect a great treasure which is hidden beneath it; and until that treasure is removed, there will be no rest for themselves or others, and the spell will remain unbroken. This I have discovered from their conversation."
All who heard this news were overjoyed at the discovery; and the burgomaster said that if the young man should be successful in bringing away the treasure, he would adopt him as his son, for he had no children of his own.
Then the youth went up again to the tower, and having under­stood well from the conversation of the dogs where to find the treasure, he knew what to do, and very soon returned to the burgo­master's house, carrying a chest full of gold.
The spell was broken; the howling and barking of the wild dogs ceased from that hour, and the land was freed from the dreadful plague.
A short time after this, the young man thought he should like to take a journey to Rome. On the way he came to a marsh, in which a number of frogs were croaking loudly. He stopped to listen, and as he understood their language, what he heard them say made him quite thoughtful and sad as he continued his journey. He arrived at Rome just in time to hear of the Pope's death, and the great doubts which had arisen as to which of the cardinals should be chosen as his successor.
At last it was decided that whoever received a sign from heaven, should be at once elected as Pope.
Scarcely had this decision been arrived at, when the young count entered the church; and no sooner did he appear than two snow white doves flew towards him, and placed themselves one on each shoulder, and there remained.
The clergy who were present acknowledged at once that this was a sign from heaven, and asked the young count if he would accept the position of Pope.