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his guest, whom he saw enter the stable and fasten the door behind him. Creeping nearer, he found a hole formed by a knot in the wood of the door, through which he peeped. Then he saw the stranger stretch out the tablecloth on the ground, lead the donkey on it, and heard him cry "Bricklebrit." At the same moment the animal began to pour a shower of gold pieces from his mouth, which fell on the earth like rain. " On my word," cried the landlord, " and all newly-coined ducats, too. Such a coiner is indeed a valuable purse of gold to possess."
The young man paid his reckoning and went to bed; but the innkeeper slipped into the stable during the night, led away the gold coiner, and tied up another donkey in its place. Early the next morning the young man rose, led the donkey from the stable, and continued his journey, not in the least aware of the trick which had been played him. He reached home about noon, and received as kind a reception from his father as his brother had done.
" And what trade have you been learning, my son ?" asked his father.
" I am a miller, dear father." he replied.
"And what have you gained by your travels Y* was the next question.
" Only a donkey."
"We have donkeys enough here already," said his father. " Now, if you had brought a goat, it might have been useful."
" Yes," said the youth, " so it might, but not so valuable as the animal I have brought—it is not like a common animal. Why, father, it can coin money. If I only say ' Bricklebrit/ there will quite a shower of gold fall from its mouth on a cloth which I lay under it. Let me show you," he continued. " Send for all our relations to come here, and I will give them each money enough to make them rich people at once !"
" That is good news," said the father ; " and if this happens I shall be able to give up stitching and lay my needle aside forever." And away he went to invite his relations.
As soon as they had assembled, the young miller cleared a place on the floor, and spread the cloth over it. Then he went out, brought the donkey into the room, and led it on the cloth. "Now pay attention," he exclaimed, at the same time saying " Brickle-brit" more than once; but no gold pieces fell, the animal stood |