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Now it happened that while it was roasting, and the mistress absent from the kitchen about other household work, that the two children of the broom-binder came in, and stood for a few moments watching the spit as it turned round. Presently, two little pieces fell from the bird into the dripping pan underneath. One of them said, " I think we may have those two little pieces, no one will ever miss them, and I am so hungry; so the children each took a piece and ate it up.
In a few moments the goldsmith's wife came in, and saw that they had been eating something, and said, "What have you been eating¥
" Only two little pieces that fell from the bird." they replied.
" Oh !" exclaimed the wife, in a great fright, " they must have been the heart and liver of the bird f and then that her husband might not miss them, for she was afraid of his anger, she quickly killed a chicken, took out the heart and liver, and laid them on the golden bird.
As soon as it was ready she carried it in to the goldsmith, who ate it all up, without leaving her a morsel. The next morning, however, when he felt under his pillow, expecting to find the gold pieces, nothing was there.
The two children, however, who knew nothing of the good fortune which had befallen them, never thought of searching under their pillow. But the next morning, as they got out of bed, something fell on the ground and tinkled, and when they stooped to pick it up, there were two pieces of gold. They carried them at once to their father, who wondered very much and said, "What can this mean ?"
As however there were two more pieces the next morning, and again each day, the father went to his brother and told him of the wonderful circumstance. The goldsmith, as he listened, knew well that these gold pieces must be the result of the children having eaten the heart and liver of the golden bird, and therefore that he had been deceived. He determined to be revenged, and though hard hearted and jealous he managed to conceal the real truth from his brother, and said to him, "Your children are in league with the evil one ; do not touch the gold, and on no account allow your clyldren to remain in your house any longer, for the evil one has power over them, and could bring ruin upon you tlirough them." |