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Now, the hare was such an insignificant little thing that no one ever thought of ordering a conveyance for her, so she was obliged to go on foot. " Oh," thought she, " when I am running through the streets, suppose the cruel hound should see me." Just as she got near the castle, she looked behind her, and there truly was a hound ready to seize her. But she gave a start forward, and before the sentinel was aware, rushed into the sentry-box. The dog followed, and wanted to bring her out, but the soldier stood in the doorway, and would not let him pass, and when the dog tried to get in, he struck him with his staff, and sent him away howling.
As soon as the hare saw that the coast was clear, she rushed out of the sentry-box, and ran to the castle, and, finding the door of the room where the princess was sitting open, the darted in and hid under her chair. Presently the princess felt something scratching her foot, and thinking it was the dog, she said, " Be quiet, Sultan j go away." The hare scratched again at her foot, but she still thought it was the dog, and cried, "Will you go away, Sultan?" But the hare did not allow herself to be sent away, so she scratched the foot a third time. Then the princess looked down and recognised the hare by her necklace. She took the creature at once in her arms, carried her to her own room, and said, " Dear little hare, what do you want ?"
The hare replied instantly, " My master, who killed the dragon, is here, and he has sent me to ask for some of the bread that the king eats."
Then was the king's daughter full of joy ; she sent for the cook, and ordered him to bring her some of the bread which was made for the king. When he brought it, the hare cried, "The cook must go with me, or that cruel hound may do me some harm." So the cook carried the bread, and went with the hare to the door of the inn.
As soon as he was gone, she stood on her hind legs, took the bread in her fore-paws, and brought it to her master.
"There," cried the hunter, "here is the bread, landlord, and the hundred gold pieces are mine."
The landlord was much surprised, but when the hunter declared he would also have some of the roast meat from the king's table, he said "The bread may be here, but I'll warrant you will get no tning mcie.' |