GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES - online book

130 Fairy Stories Adapted & Arranged for young people

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pursue his way by himself. " It is just as well," thought he, " but still he is a most wonderful man." The soldier had now quite as much money as he wanted, but he knew not how to spend it pro* perly ; he wasted it or gave it away, till as time went on he was again almost penniless. At last he arrived at a city where he heard that the king's daughter had just died. " Holloa," thought he, " here is an opportunity; I know how to restore her to life, and they will pay me something worth having this time." So he went to the king and told him that he could* restore his daughter to life.
Now the king had heard of the discharged soldier who had lately given new life to a princess, and he thought Brother Frolick was the man, still as he was not quite sure, he asked him first for his opinion, and whether he would venture if the princess was really dead.
The soldier had no fear, so he ordered the bath to be filled with hot water, and went into the room with the dead princess alone. Then he stripped her of her clothes, placed her in the bath, and said, as he supposed, the words which Brc*her Peter had said, but the dead body did not move, although he repeated the words three times. He now began to feel alarmed, and cried out in angry tones: " Stand up, will you, or you will get what you don't ex­pect"
At this moment the fairy appeared in his former shape as a dis­charged soldier, and entered the room through the window.
"You foolish man," he cried, "how can you raise the dead to life ? I will help you this time, but don't attempt it again."
Thereupon he pronounced the magic words, and immediately the princess rose and stood on her feet, and was as well and strong as ever. Then the fairy went away through the window, the maids were sent for to dress the princess in her royal robes, and then the soldier led her to her father. He knew, however, that he was not free to ask for a reward, for Peter had forbidden him to take any­thing, and therefore when the king asked him what he would have, he said he would take nothing, although he wanted it so much through extravagance and folly. Yet the king ordered his knap­sack to be filled with gold, and with many thanks he took his de­parture.
Outside neax the castle gate he met the fairy, who said to him;