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and looked at it with hungry eyes. "Well," thought Brother Frolick, " one is enough for me." So he beckoned the labourers nearer, and said, " Here, take this goose, and drink my health as you eat it."
They thanked him and went away quickly to the inn, bought some wine and bread, and then unpacked the goose which had been given them, and began to eat it
The landlady, when she saw it, went to her husband, and said, " Those two are eating goose, just see if one of ours is gone from the oven."
The landlord ran to look, and found the oven empty. "You thieves !" he exclaimed, running out to them, " where did you get roast goose to eat? tell me instantly, or I will give you a taste of green hazel juice."
" We are not thieves," they cried ; " a discharged soldier gave us this goose yonder in the meadow."
" You are not going to make me believe that," cried the landlord ; " that soldier has been here, and a most respectable fellow he is ; I watched him when he left the house and he had nothing with him then. No; you are the thieves, and shall pay for the goose." But as they could not pay for it, he took a stick and thrashed them out of the house.
Quite ignorant of all this, Brother Frolick went on his way, till he came to a place where stood a beautiful castle, and not far from it, a large but mean-looking inn. The soldier went up to the inn and asked for a night's lodging. But the landlord said, " There is no room here; the house is full of noble guests."
"I wonder at that," said Brother Frolick, "why should they come here instead of going to that beautiful castle yonder ?"
" Ah, yes," said the landlord, " many have thought as you do; they have gone to spend a night at the castle, but they have never returned alive. None are allowed to remain," said the landlord, " who do not go in on their heads."
"I am not likely to walk in on my head," said the soldier; "but now, landlord, let me take something with me to eat and drink, and I'll go."
So the landlord brought him a good supper to take with him, and then Brother Frolick set out to go to the castle. On arriving, he first sat down and ate with great relish, and when he began to feel |