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goat into the long grass, and said, " Come, One Eye, let us sit down here and rest, and I will sing to you."
One Eye seated herself, and, not being accustomed to walk so far, or to be out in the heat of the sun, she began to feel tired, and as little Two Eyes kept on singing, she closed her one eye, and fell fast asleep.
When Two Eyes saw this, she knew that One Eye could not betray her, so she said,
" Little goat, if you are able, Come and deck my pretty table."
She seated herself when it appeared, and ate and drank very quickly, and when she had finished, she said,
" Little goat, when you are able, Come and clear away my table."
It vanished in the twinkling of an eye; and then Two Eyes woke up One Eye, and said, " Little One Eye, you are a clever one to watch goats; for, while you are asleep, they might be running all over the world. Come, let us go home."
So they went to the house, and little Two Eyes again left the scraps on the dish untouched, and One Eye could not tell her mother whether little Two Eyes had eaten anything in the field ; for she said to excuse herself, " I was asleep."
The next day the mother said to Three Eyes, " You must go to the field this time, and find out whether there is anyone who brings food to little Two Eyes; for she must eat and drink secretly."
So, when little Two Eyes started with her goat, Three Eyes followed, and said, " I am going with you to-day, to see if the goats are properly fed and watched."
But Two Eyes knew her thoughts ; so she led the goat through the long grass to tire Three Eyes, and at last she said, " Let us sit down here and rest, and I will sing to you, Three Eyes."
She was glad to sit down; for the walk, and the heat of the sun, had really tired her; and as her sister continued her song she was obliged to close two of her eyes, and they slept, but not the third; in fact, Three Eyes was wide awake with one eye, and heard and saw all that Two Eyes did; for poor little Two Eyes, thinking she was asleep, said her speech to the goat, and the table came with all the good things on it, and was carried away when Two Eyes had |