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" The old saddle is useless to me," she said, w I only require to turn my wish ring over, and we are at home."
"All right V he cried, " then let us wish ourselves at the gate of my native city."
In a trice they were there, and then the drummer said : " I will first go and see my parents and tell them all the news, wait here for me in this field, I will soon return."
M Ah," said the king's daughter, " let me beg of you to be careful when you arrive, remember to kiss your parents only on the left cheek, otherwise you will forget me and all that has happened, and I shall be left behind in the field alone."
" How can I ever forget you ?" he said, and pledged her with his right hand to return to her very soon.
When he reached his father's house no one knew who he was, he had so changed, for the three days which he had, as he supposed, spent on the mountain, had been really three long years. At last they recognised him, and his parents were so overjoyed at his return that they fell on his neck and embraced him. He was also so moved in his heart that he kissed them on both cheeks, and thought not once of the maiden's words. As soon as he had kissed them on the right cheek all gratitude to the king's daughter vanished from his heart. He turned out his pockets and threw great handfuls of precious stones on the table, his parents wondering how and where he had obtained all these riches. They were, however, very happy to accept them.
The father's first act was to build a beautiful castle, around which were gardens, and woods, and meadows, as if a prince had been going to reside in it.
And, when it was finished, the mother said to her son, " I have chosen a maiden to be your wife, and in three days the wedding must take place." The drummer was quite contented to do as his parents wished.
The poor princess stood for a long time outside the town, waiting for the return of the young man. When evening came, she said to herself, " No doubt, he has kissed his parents on the right cheek, and I am quite forgotten." Her heart was so full of grief, that she wished herself in a lonely house, in the wood close by.
Every evening, she went into the town, and wandered about the grounds of his father's castle. She saw him many times; but he |