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the order not to utter more than three words, the iron chest and the king's son had both disappeared. But she said, " I mean to seek him over hill and valley till I find him."
On hearing all this the old frog desired the little ones to bring her the large bag, and while they dragged it across the room she told the king's daughter to sit down to the table, and eat her supper.
After she had finished the little frogs led her to a beautiful bed, which was of velvet embroidered with gold, and on it she laid herself, and slept in great comfort.
In the morning when she rose the old frog told her that she would have to climb one high slippery mountain, to cross three snowy peaks, and a great lake. She then gave her some articles from the bag, namely, three large needles, one ploughshare and three nuts, of which she was to take the greatest care, and use them when necessary.
Promising to attend to the frog's advice, the king's daughter started on her journey, and very soon came to the glassy mountain. Here she stopped, took off her shoes, and stuck the needles into the soles. This enabled her to clamber without difficulty over the slippery mountain.
On reaching the other side she pulled out the needles, and stuck them carefully in a corner that they might not be lost. She came after this very quickly to the snow-clad peaks. Across these she passed easily with the help of the ploughshare, and at length reached the large lake, over which she crossed in a ferryboat and saw before her a noble castle.
She went up to the gate, and asked to be engaged as a servant in the kitchen; for she wanted to discover if the king's son still loved her. Here she quickly heard to her sorrow that he was going to marry another; for he thought as she did not return that she was either dead or had forgotten him.
The wedding-day was approaching, but she knew what to do; and, on the evening of the first festival, she took one of the nuts which the old frog had given her, broke it, and took out a most beautiful dress, and went to the ball.
The king's son, supposing her to be one of the guests, led her out to dance ; and, as they danced together, she whispered, " Have you forgotten the iron chest, and the king's daughter, who set you free?" In a moment the enchantment was broken, the prince |