51 Tales translated to English by Lucy Crane & Illustrated by Walter Crane

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THE RAVEN.                                  31
he had all this he was no longer to be seen; but laying about him well, he gave them all a sound thrashing, crying out,
" Now, you good-for-nothing fellows, you have got what you deserve ; perhaps you will be satisfied now !"
Then he rode up the glass mountain, and when he reached the castle gates he found them locked; but he beat with his stick upon the door and it opened at once. And he walked in, and up the stairs to the great room where sat the Princess with a golden cup and wine before her : she could not see him so long as the cloak was on him, but drawing near to her he pulled off the ring she had given him, and threw it into the cup with a clang.
" This is my ring," she cried, " and the man who is to set me free must be here too !"
But though she sought through the whole castle she found him not; he had gone outside, seated himself on his horse, and thrown off the cloak. And when she came to look out at the door, she saw him and shrieked out for joy; and he dismounted and took her in his arms, and she kissed him, saying,
"Now hast thou set me free from my enchantment, and to-morrow we will be married."