51 Tales translated to English by Lucy Crane & Illustrated by Walter Crane

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258                            GRIMM'S FAIRY TALES.
under the pillow, the salad in the bed, the cakes under the bed, and the man in the linen-closet Then she opened the door to her husband, saying,
" Thank goodness, you are here ! what weather it is, as if the world were coming to an end !"
When the miller saw the Little Farmer lying in the straw, he said,
"What fellow have you got there?"
" Oh!" said the wife, " the poor chap came in the midst of the wind and rain and asked for shelter, and I gave him some bread and cheese and spread some straw for him."
The husband answered, "Oh well, I have no objection, only get me something to eat at once."
But the wife said, " There is nothing but bread and cheese."
" Anything will do for me," answered the miller, " bread and cheese for ever !" and catching sight of the Little Farmer, he cried,
" Come along, and keep me company!" The Little Farmer did not wait to be asked twice, but sat down and ate. After a while the miller noticed the skin lying on the ground with the raven wrapped up in it, and he said, " What have you got there ? "
The Little Farmer answered, "A fortune-teller."
And the miller asked " Can he tell my fortune ? "
" Why not ? " answered the Little Farmer. " He will tell four things, and the fifth he keeps to himself." Now the miller became very curious, and said, " Ask him to say something."
And the Little Farmer pinched the raven, so that it croaked, " Crr, err." " What does he say? " asked the miller. And the Little Farmer answered,
"First he says that there is wine under the pillow."
" That would be jolly !" cried the miller, and he went to look, and found the wine, and then asked, "What next?"
So the Little Farmer made the raven croak again, and then said,
" He says, secondly, that there is roast meat in the oven."
" That would be jolly !" cried the miller, and he went and looked, and found the roast meat The Little Farmer made the fortune-teller speak again, and then said,