Hoyle's Games, Improved And Enlarged - online book

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suit, make as many tricks as you can immediately, and if your partner should refuse either of your suits, do not force him, because that may weaken his game too much.
4.  Seldom return your partner's lead immedi­ately, if you have good suits of your own to play, unless it be to endeavour to save or win a game : what is meant by good suits is sequences of king, queen, and knave, or queen, knave, and ten.
5.  If each party have five tricks, and you are assured of getting two from your own hand, win them, in expectation of scoring two that deal; be­cause losing the odd trick makes two difference, and you play 2 to 1 against yourself. Except when you see a probability of saving your lurch or winning the game; in either of which cases risk the odd trick.
6.  When you have a probability of winning the game, risk a trick or two, because the share of the stake, which your adversary has by a new deal, will amount to more than the point or two which you risk.
The foregoing case refers to games 1 to 6, in pages 103, 104, 105.
7.  Should your adversary be six or seven love, and you are to lead, risk a trick or two, in hopes of putting the game upon an equality; therefore, admitting you have the queen or knave, and one other trump, and no good cards in other suits, play the queen or knave of trumps; by which means you will strengthen your partner's game, if he be strong in trumps; and if weak, you do him no injury.
8.  Should you be four of the game, play for an odd trick, in hopes to save one half of the stake ; and, in order to win the same, though you are pretty strong in trumps, be cautious how you
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