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diamond; and farther, your partner to have queen, and five diamonds ; in that case, by throwing out your king in your first lead, and your knave in your second, your partner and you may win five tricks in that suit; whereas if you had led a small diamond, and your partner's queen having been won with the ace, the king and knave remaining in your hand obstruct the suit: and though he may have the long trump, yet by playing a small diamond, and his long trump having been forced out of his hand, you lose by this method three tricks in that deal.
2. Suppose, in a similar case you should have queen, ten, and one small card in your partner's strong suit; which is to be discovered by the former example; and your partner knave and five small cards in his strong suit; you having the lead are to play your queen, and when you play again, your ten ; and suppose him to have the long trump, by this method he makes four tricks in that suit; but should you play a small card in that suit, his knave being gone, and the queen remaining in your hand in the second round, and the long trump forced out of his hand, the queen remaining in yours obstructs the suit, by which method of play you lose three tricks in that deal.
3. In the former examples you have been supposed to have had the lead, and an opportunity of throwing out the best cards in your hand of your partner's strong suit, in order to make room for the whole suit: now suppose your partner to have the lead, and in the course of play, it appears to you that he has one great suit; for instance, ace, king, and four small ones, and that you have queen, ten, nine, and a very small one of that suit; when your partner plays the ace, you are |