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this method, yet in the main you must be a loser; because it demonstrates to your adversaries that you are weak, and consequently they finesse upon your partner throughout that whole suit.
4.  Suppose you have ace, king, and three small cards of any suit that your right-hand adversary leads; upon which you play your ace, and your partner the knave. In case you are strong in trumps, return a small one in that suit, in order to let your partner trump : thereby you keep the command in your own hand, and at the same time give your partner an intimation that you are strong in trumps ; therefore, he may play his game accordingly, either in attempting to esta­blish a saw, or by trumping out to you, if he should have either strength in trumps, or the command of the other suits.
5.  Suppose A and B's game is scored 6, the ad­versaries' C and D 7, and that nine rounds are played out, of which A and B have won seven tricks, and no honours are reckoned in that deal; in this case A and B have won the odd trick, which puts their game upon an equality ; and suppose A to have the lead, and that he has two of the smallest trumps remaining, with two win­ning cards of other suits ; and C and D have the two best trumps between them, with two other winning cards in their hands—as it is 11 to 3 that C has not the two trumps ; and likewise 11 to 3 that D has them not; the odds being so much in A's favour to win the whole stake, it is his interest to play a trump : for suppose the stake to be 70l. depending, A and B win the whole, if he succeed by this method ; but, on the contrary, should he play the close game, by forcing C or D to trump first, he having won the odd trick already, and being sure of winning two
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