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120 WHIST. |
right-hand adversary lead that suit, you may pass it as directed in rule 13.
16. If you have the ace, nine, eight, and one small trump, and your partner should lead the ten; pass it, because, unless the three honours lie behind you, you are sure of making two tricks; do the like, if you have the king, nine, eight, and one small trump; or the queen, nine, eight, and one small trump.
17. If your right-hand adversary lead from a suit of which you have ace, king, and queen, or ace, king, and knave, put on the ace; because that encourages the adversaries to play the suit again ; and though you deceive your partner by this method, you also deceive your adversaries, which is of greater consequence ; because, if you had put on the lowest of the tierce-major, or the knave, your right-hand adversary would have discovered that the strength of that suit was against him, and consequently would have changed suits.
18. Suppose you have ace, ten, and one small card, in any suit; also the ace, nine, and one small card of another, lead from the last suit: it being an equal wager that your partner has a better card in that suit than the last player; or suppose that your right-hand adversary leads from the king or queen of the suit of which you have the ace, ten, and one small card ; in that case it is an equal chance that your partner has a better than the third hand ; if that happen to be the case, upon the return of the suit, you lie tenace, and consequently may win three tricks.
19- A case to demonstrate the tenace.—Suppose A and B to play at two-handed whist, and A to have the ace, queen, ten, eight, six, and four of |