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WHIST. 127 |
strong suit, the adversaries would discover your attempt to establish a saw, and trump out.
21. Suppose you have the ace and deuce of trumps, and are strong in the three other suits ; if you have to lead, play the ace, and next your deuce, in order to put the lead into your partner's hand, to take out two trumps for one ; also, suppose the last player wins that trick, and that he leads a suit of which you have the ace, king, and two or three more, pass it, because it is an equal wager that your partner has a better card in that suit than the third hand ; if so, he will have an opportunity of taking out two trumps to one ; when the lead comes into your hand, endeavour to force out one of the two trumps remaining, supposing eleven are played out, and the odds are that your partner has one of the two remaining.
22. Suppose ten rounds are played, and you have the king, ten, and one small card of any suit, w7hich has never been led ; and have won six tricks, and your partner leads from that suit, and that there is neither a trump or thirteenth card in any hand; in this case, unless your right-hand adversary puts on so high a card as obliges you to play the king, do not put it on, because upon the return of that suit you make your king, and consequently the odd trick, which makes two difference : if there happen to be only nine cards played out, in the like circumstance, play by the same rule. This method is alwavs to be taken, unless gaining two tricks gives you a chance either to save your lurch or to win or save the game.
23. Suppose A and B partners against C and D, and B holds the two last trumps, also the queen, knave, and nine of another suit; and suppose A has neither the ace, king, or ten of that |