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or king lies in his hands, and that you lose your queen, and so play to a disadvantage.
20.  Why do you play from a queen-suit prefer­ably to a knave-suit.
Answered case 19-
21.  When you have the four best cards of any suit, why do you throw away the best ?
Ans. To tell your partner the state of the game.
22.  How are you to make the most of your partner's strong suit ?
At pages 103, 104, 105, are six examples to de­monstrate it.
23.  The queen turned up on your right hand, you have the ace, ten, and one trump, or the king, ten, and one trump; if the right-hand ad­versary should play the knave, how are you to play ?
Ans. You are to pass it, by which you have an equal wager of gaining a trick, and cannot lose by so doing.
24.  Four cards are played out, and trumps have gone round twice, your partner not appearing to have any higher trump than the eight, yet he has three trumps : when he plays his third trump, the next hand puts on the knave, there being the king only in the adversary's hand, you having the ace and queen of trumps : Quaere, Are you to play the ace or queen ?
Ans. You are to play the ace, because it is 5 to 8 that the last player has the king ; and if you re­duce the cards to two in number, it is then 2 to 1 in your favour, by playing the ace, that the king falls : this method may be taken in other suits upon similar occasions.
Example. Suppose that ycu have only two cards remaining in your hand of any suit, viz. the
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