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2. Having ace and queen, play the ace, and return the queen. For although it may prove better in some cases to put on the queen, yet in general your partner is best supported by this method.
3. Having ace and knave, play the ace and return the knave. In order to strengthen your partner's hand.
4. Having king and knave, play the king ; and if it win, return the knave. For the reason in No. 3.
5. Always play the best when your partner leads a small card. As it best supports your partner.
6. If you hold the ace and one small card only, and your partner leads the king, put on the ace and return the small one. For otherwise, your ace will be an obstruction to his suit.
7. If you hold the king and one small card only, and your partner leads the ace ; should the trumps be out, it is good to play the king. For by putting on the king, there is no obstruction to the suit.
1. If a king be led, and you hold ace, knave, and a small card, play the small one. For supposing the queen to follow, you probably make both ace and knave.
2. When the third hand is weak in his partner's lead, you may often return that suit to great advantage. But this rule must not be applied to trumps, unless you are very strong indeed.
cases in which you should return your partner's lead immediately.
1. When you win with the ace, and can return an honour. For that will greatly strengthen his hand.
2. When he leads a trump. In which case re-
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