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162 WHIST.
ace, knave, and small cards, lead the lowest, if trumps; but in other suits, except powerful in trumps, play the ace when with more than two ; ace and four small ones in trumps, lead the lowest. [See page 147, maxim 13.] When with ace and one, lead ace, if your friend's suit, else the small card ; king, queen, ten, &c, play the king; but should it pass, do not follow the lead, for the ace may be kept up by an enemy [see pages 147 and 151, maxims 15 and 9', and page 157, rule 21]—king, knave, and small ones, lead the lowest; but if with only one small card, do not venture except it is your partner's suit, then play king and knaves; queen, knave, and one, lead queen; but when with two, or more, the lowest [see page 97, rules] 24 and'32 ; pages 147and 151, maxims 16, 11 and 12 ; —queen, ten, and two, or queen and three small ones, play the lowest ; queen or knave, with only two, the highest. It is equal whether you lead up to or through an ace, not quite so to a king, but disadvantageous when to the queen turned up. [See pages 105 and 106, games 1 to 4; pages 152 and 153, maxims 17, &c] After leading two rounds of trumps, should you remain even with three, but the best in an adversary's hand, lead a small one, to avoid stopping your partner's suit, as well as to gain the tenace. Some proficients often play a king second hand, others but seldom, but none in that situation should put on either queen, knave, or ten.
Should you hold a good hand at the beginning of a game, or when the opponents are greatly advanced, play boldly, otherwise cautiously ; be particular both in what you play, as in what you throw away; it is often of bad consequence to play the superior card of two, and remember that finesse are usually proper in trumps ; and if strong |