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168                            WHIST.
lead with either king or ace, avoid putting on the queen:—with only small ones, the lowest.
Play the close game for the odd trick, force the friend, and be very cautious of leading trumps, or finessing—[see page 155, maxims 1 to 5] — also play the obscure game whenever it appears that the winning cards lie between you and the adversaries, and a clear one when your friend pos­sesses a good hand.
When at eight, and holding two honours, consi­der the enemies' score, previous to calling, whether by your not doing so they are likely to save their lurch or win the game : when the antagonists do not call at eight, should you be four or nine, it is clear that you and your friend hold at least two honours; should both sides be eight, and no one call, each player must possess an honour.
Generally trump when it is apparent that your partner, if an adept, wishes you to do so, but con­sult your own hand when he is an indifferent player.
When the left-hand opponent refuses to trump your winning card, should you hold the command­ing card of the suit he throws away, lead the same directly.
After the trumps are all out, whoever possesses the commanding card of the opponent's suit, may play as if retaining the 13th trump.
Should the right-hand adversary lead a card on which his partner plays the knave or queen, and your friend gains with the king; should that ad­versary again lead a low card of the said suit, play the ten if you have it.
When the left-hand opponent leads a king, ap­parently in hopes of afterwards finessing the knave, and you happen to retain queen and ano-
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