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adversary before looking at his cards may insist upon a new deal.
A card faced during the deal, renders it void, unless it happen to be the eleventh, or trump card, which is to be turned up.
If the dealer faces one of his adversary's cards, the deal is void, or not at his option ; but if the card belongs to the dealer, it is not void. Should the dealer distribute too many cards to his adversary, he may either throw out the superfluous cards, or call for a new deal. If the dealer gives less than the right number, the adversary may complete them from the talon, without altering the trump card, or call for a new deal.
If, on the other hand, the dealer has too many cards, his adversary may either demand a new deal or draw the superfluous cards. Again, if he has a less number than he ought to have, the adversary may demand a new deal, or permit the number wanting to be taken from the talon. If two or more cards be turned up by the dealer, the adversary may ascertain, if possible, which should have been the trump card, and it must be considered so if discovered ; or he has the privilege of putting aside all the cards which may have been seen, and to have a fresh one turned up ; or he may demand a new deal, provided he hath not seen his cards.
If either party have more or less cards than he ought to have, and discards for the purpose of exchanging, without acquainting his adversary of the circumstances, he loses two points, and likewise the right of marking the king, whether it be turned up or in hand. If either player deal out of his turn, and it be discovered before the trump card is turned, a new deal may be called for; but should the turn-up card be faced, the cards ought |