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208                            PIQUET.
you have a quart-major dealt, and a quart to a king, and are greatly behind your adversary, to take in the ten to your quart-major is 3 to I : but to take in the ace or nine to your quart to the king is only about 5 to 4 against you. Also, by the same rule, suppose you have three kings and three queens dealt, the odds of taking in both a king and a queen are 18 to 1; but that of taking one of them, is only about 5 to 4 against you.
6.  As it is 17 to 2 that you do not take in two certain cards out of four, such as two kings, two queens, &c. you must not therefore confound this with the third calculation, where the odds are not above 3 to 1 that you take in two cards out of the fou r.
7.  Having neither an ace nor a king dealt you, the odds of taking in both an ace and a king are, in two cards, about 11 to 1 against you ; in three cards, 4 to 1; in four cards, 9 to 5 : in five cards, 33 to 31.
The foregoing calculation is either for the elder or younger-hand. Suppose the younger-hand to have two quatorzes against him, it is not above 4 to 1 but that he takes in one of each of them. The rule may serve for any other eight certain cards.
8.  As it is 62 to 1 that the younger-hand does not take in two certain cards, he ought never to run the hazard of so great a chance, but when the game is desperate.
9.  It is 29 to 28 that the younger-hand takes in one ace, having none dealt him; the calcula­tion is the same for any one out of four certain cards. Suppose you have two quarts dealt from the king or queen of any suit, it is the same odds of 29 to 28, that you take in a card to make one of them a quint; as also, that you take in either ace, king, queen, or knave" of any one suit, when a pique or repique is against you.
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