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BACKGAMMON.                    215
points, marked alternately. Each player has fifteen men, black and white, to distinguish them ; wrhich are disposed in the tables thus. If you play into the right hand table, two of your men are placed upon the ace-point, in your adversary's inner table; five upon the sixth point, in his outer table ; three upon the cinque-point, in your own outer table; and five upon the sixth-point, in your own inner table; and the adversary's men are to be placed so as to correspond with yours, in a direct opposite position, as in the above representation. The grand object is to bring your men round into your own inner table: con­sequently, all throws that tend to this, and im­pede your adversary in executing the same design on his part, are in your favour ; while the contrary success of your opponent must of course be against you. The first most advantageous throw is aces, as it blocks the sixth-point in your outer table, and secures the cinque-point in your inner table ; so that your adversary's two men upon your ace-point cannot escape, with his throwing either quatre, cinque, or six. Accordingly, this throw is often asked and given, between players of un­equal skill, by way of odds.
At this game, as at Hazard, it is indispensa­ble for the player to know all the combinations, of which two dice are susceptible, and which will be found on reference to the chapter on that subject.
From the source in question, it will appear that, it is 25 to 11 against hitting one ace upon a certain or flat die. The like method may be taken with any other flat die, as with an ace ; for instance— Required the odds of entering a man upon the 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 points ?
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