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224                    BACKGAMMON.
loaded, you must perhaps be obliged to play at length those fives and fours.
2.  Whenever you have taken up two of your adversary's men, and happen to have two, three, or more points made in your own table, never fail spreading your men, either to take a new point in your table, or to hit the man your ad­versary may happen to enter. As soon as he en­ters one, compare his game with yours; and if you find your game equal, or better, take the man if you can, because it is 25 to 11 against his hit­ting you; which being so much in your favour, you ought always to run that risk, when you have already two of his men up : except you play for a single hit only, and playing that throw otherwise gives you a better chance for the hit, then do not take up that man.
3.  Never be deterred from taking up any one man of your adversary by the apprehension of being hit with double dice, because the fairest probability is 5 to 1 against him.
4.  If you should happen to have five points in your table, and to have taken up one of your ad­versary's men, and are obliged to leave a blot out of your table, rather leave it upon doublets than any other, because doublets are 35 to 1 against his hitting you, and any other chance is but 17 to 1 against him.
5.  Two of your adversary's men in your table are better for a hit than any greater number, pro­vided your game be the forwardest; because hav­ing three or more men in your table gives him more chances to hit you, than if he had only two men.
6.  If you are to leave a blot upon entering a man on your adversary's table; and have your choice where, always choose that point which is the most disadvantageous to him. To illustrate
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