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this, suppose it is his interest to hit or take you up as soon as you enter : in that case leave the blot upon his lowest point: that is to say, upon his deuce, rather than upon his trois, and so on, because all the men your adversary plays upon his trois or his deuce points, are iu a great measure out of play, these men not having it in their power to make his cinque-point, and consequently his game will be crowded there and open elsewhere, whereby you will be able also much to annoy him.
7. Prevent your adversary from bearing his men to the greatest advantage, when you are running to save a gammon; suppose you should have two men upon his ace-point, and several others abroad; though you should lose one point or two in putting the men into your table, yet it is your interest to leave a man upon the adversary's ace-point; which will prevent him bearing his men to his greatest advantage, and will also give you the chance of his making a blot, that you may hit. But if, upon calculation, you find you have a throw, or a probability of saving your gammon, never wait for a blot, because the odds are greatly against hitting it. |
1. Suppose your table made up, and that you have taken up one of your adversary's men, wrho has so many abroad as require three throws to put them in his table ; it is then about an equal wager that you gammon him. Because, in all probability, you will bear two men before you open your table, and when you bear the third man, you will be obliged to open your six or cinque-point; in that case it is likely that your |