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upon his six-point, in his own table, and three men placed out of his table, in the usual manner. Who has the better of the hit ?
Ans. It is an equal game; but to play it criti­cally, the difficulty lies upon B, who should, in the first place, endeavour to gain the cinque and quatre- points in his own table ; and when that is effected, he is to play two men from A's cinque-point, in order to oblige him to blot, by throwing an ace, which if B hits, he will have the fairest probability of winning.
3.  Back Game.—Suppose A has three men upon B's ace-point, and three men upon B's deuce-point, also three men upon his six-point in his own table, and three men upon his usual point out of his table, and three men where his five men are usually placed in his adversary's outer tabie ; and suppose B has his men placed in the same manner, with this difference only, instead of hav­ing three men put upon A's deuce-point, let B have three men upon A's trois-point. Who has the best of the hit ?
Ans. A ; because the ace and trois-points are not so good for a hit, as the ace and deuce-points in B's table ; for when you are bearing the men, you have the deuce-point in your own table to play them upon, that often prevents you from making a blot, which must happen otherwise to the adver­sary ; and take care to lay down men to be hit as often as you can, in order to keep your game back­ward ; and for the same reason, avoid hitting any blots which your adversary makes.
4.  Cases of curiosity and instruction.—Suppose A has his fifteen men upon B's ace-point, B is supposed to have his bar-point, also his six, cinque, quatre, and trois-points in his own table. How many throws is A likely to take to bring
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